Mobile integrated housing

2024-06-22 16:26

    The on-site construction period of integrated houses is 10%-30% of that of traditional building models. The quality of the integrated house is more refined, achieving the transformation of the centimeter-level error of the traditional construction model to the millimeter-level error of factory manufacturing. Integrated housing has the advantages of disassembly, mobility, no damage to land, short construction period, low cost, and gradually accepted by more people, into the public's vision.

    At present, integrated housing products are widely used in developed countries, and their product performance is increasingly similar to that of permanent buildings, and their comprehensive performance even exceeds that of traditional fixed buildings. Integrated housing is currently the main form of housing in North America. With the improvement of design and manufacturing level, the safety and comfort of integrated houses are gradually improved, and the use concept of integrated houses is gradually recognized by the society. China's integrated housing products are used in temporary construction housing accounts for 80%-90%, and there is a large gap in other industries and civilian, which is in sharp contrast to the integrated housing in developed countries, which is mainly used in the civilian field. Integrated housing products have unique flexibility and environmental protection, with the further recognition of integrated housing products in the future, its products will be widely used in the civil field, comfortable and high-quality integrated housing products market demand will gradually increase, occupy an important position in the integrated housing market.

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